Sunday, April 26, 2009

My brain's starting the move

So. In 3 months I'll be getting an a plane out of Canberra for the last time. I'm anxious, sad, and happy all in one. Makes for very peaceful moments, I must tell you.


I've been housesitting for some friends for the last month - have another 4 weeks. It's so nice to be in a house on my own - it's similar to my house in Atlanta, so that's sort of fun. But all my stuff is in piles, and in various states of packing-ness. Yes, that's a good word, no? Once this coming week at work is done, well, once it's the 7th of May, I can start to focus on the next step for all this stuff and for me... I'm just hoping for lots of energy to get me through the next week or so of meetings, dinners, and talks. I can do it.

On the sly, though, my brain is starting to remember Atlanta. It's weird how the brain starts to let things back in. I'll randomly remember my drive to work in the middle of the day. I'll see the restaurant in Cabbagetown where we'd eat after running club. While waiting at a stoplight I'll picture an intersection in Morningside. Walking to work from my car I'll picture the parking garage on the Clifton campus and the walk to the office. I know once I'm back there it'll feel as if I was never really here.

It makes me excited to go back, cause there are things I miss; things I haven't thought about in nearly 3 years. I know I've changed a lot, and I'm hoping that going back to the same place won't dampen any of that and that I can be as dynamic in Atlanta as I feel here.

I know I'm going to really miss being here. It's already making me wistful to think about my time here! I just need to make the nest 3 months still count - and not spend them reminiscing about the past or being anxious about the future - I need to focus on today.

I can't even imagine what it's going to feel like to get on the plane for the last time from Canberra airport. I can still remember how weird it all felt when I landed here. But, okay, enough of the pre-maudlin-ness. I'll deal with that when it gets here. Cause before then I have a lot to do! After I finish work (30 June!) I'm going to New Zealand for a week and then to Darwin for a few days. I'd like to do another weekend in Sydney - travel up by bus or even train - to really soak in the scenery. Need to go to the National Portrait Gallery. I've registered for the Canberra Half Marathon on 17 May, but am not sure how that will go - I am really so inconsistent in my training. There should be a prize for that! I'd totally win it. If I showed up... The Bilby's end of season cocktail party, a weekend in Thredbo with my girls. Lots to look forward to!


At 4:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like the next 3 months will both fly and eek by. I'm impressed that you're remembering ATL stuff. I have the hardest time remembering details, especially streets and neighborhoods. It seems so long ago! Maybe if I were returning it would be different.
I'll cheer you on virtually for the half-marathon. I'm planning to run my first in late June.
Go Katie!

At 5:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't worry, I've already scoped out an Australian Bakery here in East Atlanta for you :)


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