Friday, September 15, 2006

First Impressions...

Well, I've been here almost a week now, and am finally beginning to come out from the fog of jetlag. It wasn't till I started to feel normal again last night that I realized what a fog I"d been walking around in. Travelling around the world really does a job on you.

I arrived late Sunday night, my new boss picked me up at the airport with a box of food and delivered me to my temporary housing, a furnished apartment in Kingston, one of the suburbs in Canberra. I was so thankful for the familiar face at the end of my journey, and having real food for breakfast (or 'brekky' as it's called here) was priceless. He also arranged a taxi to pick me up on Monday morning to get to work.

In my first couple days here I have opened a bank account, figured out the bus system, traveled to the immigration office, and slept a lot. I still have so much to do! I'm looking forward to this weekend, I"m planning on walking around the neighborhood I'm in to scope out places to rent, checking out the Australian Target (!), and jsut hanging out. A colleague I know through CDC actually lives around the corner from where I"m staying and he has been great, checking in on me and he'll take me around this weekend.

I've been watching a lot of Australian TV this week - the 10 channels I have in the hotel/apt - 2 sports channels [I swear that by the time I leave I will understand the difference in rugby, cricket, aussie rules, and there appears to be another game similar to rugby and aussie rules... just need to find some bloke to explain it to me... ;) ] and 8 others, mostly news. I've become only slightly addicted to 'Neighbours' and 'Home and Away', soap operas that come on in the early evening. I had a thought this morning as one of the TV channels was debuting a 'new' Coke ad, one that I've seen numerous times back home already' - things arrive here later than in the US, and while right now I already now what's come out in the US, soon I won't know and I"ll be just as behind in my pop culture/movies. Oh well - my knowledge of Australia events will far surpass yours. If I pay attention.

No pictures yet.

Kangaroo sightings:
Live: 0
Dead: 2 :(


At 8:58 AM, Blogger Phaustus said...

You have no idea how jealous I am that you have a Target.

Other side of the planet: Target

30 miles north of the border: No Target. :-(

At 6:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I completely agree with Phil. Such crap, Australia has a Target and not Canada. Puh lease. Enjoy it for me!


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