Friday, January 08, 2010

Week 5

So, I've registered for a marathon in March (a week before my birthday). I know, I'm not sure what I was thinking either... I'm training with some girls from work, so at least there are others suffering along with me!

So, we are almost done with week 5 now - this weekend's long run is 10 miles - the first one in double digits. We've found a 16 week training program online and sticking to it, for the most part. I'm motivated more by the fear of pain than anything else... I know that consistency is the key.

Atlanta is super hilly and looking at the race course for the marathon - OUCH. So while last week in Alameda was good cause the runs were flat and relatively easy - I've got to do the hills. And they are kicking my butt. Usually after 4 weeks of training I can feel myself getting stronger up hills, but not this time around. The only thing I can note as improvement is that I recover quickly form the runs - especially the long ones. No residual soreness the day after. I'm also to talk on the flats now... I'm running with 2 talkers. They know that I don't talk, but I do sometimes feel obligated to talk a little bit, but it's always a struggle for me. I know I'm supposed to be running at conversation pace, but in the last few years no pace but walking is conversation pace (ack... I'm getting older!!)

I currently have 2 niggles - a semi shin splint in my left leg and a very tight right hip that doesn't seem to want to loosen up despite my stretching (IT band stretching, quad and hip flexor stretching - nothing's quite getting it). I've scheduled a sports massage for this Sunday (Christmas present from my brother and his wife, awesome!!), so I'm hoping that will help a bit. I've also noticed that my left ankle is super weak in the mornings - I an't put full weight on it with the first step, so Im trying to focus on ankle exercises and calf raises to strengthen that general area. I fell like that may be related to my shin splint as well.

My target for the race is 10-11 minute miles, so between 4 1/2 to 5 hours. I really want to be closer to 4 1/2 than to 5, if its all the same to anyone else.

New equipment I've bought since I started training: a fuel belt (Amphipod, 2 bottle) and 2 sports bras (still trying to find one that doesn't chafe after mile 8!) That's a pretty modest consumption pattern for me actually - however - with the 2 half marathons that I did in October and November I also bought a running skirt (not convinced on it, especially in the WINTER!), 2 pairs shorts (still looking for the holy grail of shorts), 3 tech t-shirts, and a hand held amphipod water bottle (which I liked a lot more than I anticipated).

I joined the Atlanta Triathlon Club this week as well, but haven't started training with them yet. The swimming and spinning will be good cross-training for sure.


At 3:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awesome! You're so much braver than I. Good luck with all the rehab/body work.
I'm going to enter the lottery for entry into the Nike Women's Marathon (Oct in San Francisco) but I'll most likely run the 1/2 marathon option. I'm not sure Phil would remain married to me if I trained for the marathon.
I've heard really good things about Lululemon's running tights. They're my next running purchase.
Good luck with your training! Can't wait to hear the updates. Happy running!

At 1:58 PM, Blogger Katie said...

I'm considering that SF race too! I don't like that it's a lottery - so iffy! I'll most likely do the half too. It'd be so awesome to see you!!


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