Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Only in Katie's world...

...would you hear "Scenes from an Italian Restaurant" (Billy Joel) followed by "California Love" (TuPac and Dr. Dre) and "Nobody Owns Me" (Belinda Carlisle) on your iPOD.

There's something oddly empowering about walking along with all the other people from the bus station in the morning, with TuPac in your ear... "Only in Cali where we riot not rally to live and die". Makes me wonder what other people are listening to.

ALthough - I will say that the culture of iPOD is oddly isolating. On the bus, everyone has earphones on and so everyone is in their own little world. Human interaction is rare. No good if you are new to town. Not that the people on the bus are who I want to be interacting with, but they might be.


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