Monday, January 29, 2007

Death to all ants! At least the ones I can see.

I've become homicidal.


or at least get the flip out of my house!!!!

When I got back from Christmas break there were ants, the little sugar ants, all over my pantry. I found the culprit - an open bag of rock sugar. I cleaned it all up and mentioned to my roommate that we needed to keep things in Ziplocs.

Since then, it's been somewhat under control. No large infestations, just the few ants every morning. Fine. We live on the ground floor. And from what I can discern, ants and Canberra living aren't really strangers.

So, I came back from camping this weekend and there were definitely more ants. As I was cleaning up (an open box of crackers) I discovered some larger version of ant had decided to join the sugar ants. I DON'T like it when I can see all the body parts of an ant from the standing position. I don't like it when I can determine the color of these different body parts from standing. YUCK.

So I cleaned everything last night, mopped the floor twice and went to bed. They were back this morning - in a box of Jen's cereal. Fine. I cleaned that up.

Then tonight, I'm cleaning them up after dinner and I discover hoards of the large ones. They are headed straight for Jen's sugar bowl she uses for her tea. Come on now. How much more is there out? I swear I had it all!!! Anyway, I threw all that away and sat down to watch telly. An hour later they are all still here.

Now I'm pissed. I just vacuumed them all up and before they can crawl out again I'm going to toss the dust bag. Any ants that come back after tonight may have to deal with chemical warfare.

I've been nice. Now I've had it.


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