Monday, March 26, 2007

Screensavers at work

The Department of Health and Ageing provides our screensaver at work. Every month there's a different 'campaign' of education and the screensavers reflect this.

Some current ones:

"Count your drinks for better health"
- This includes a graphic of common drinks (beers, cocktails, wine) and how many standard drinks are in each and what the daily limits are for men and women. Women should no more than 2 Standard Drinks per day on average and NEVER more then 4 Standard Drinks per day.

"YOUR WORKPLACE - It's that simple"
-In this one the OUR is colored differently to emphasize the Your/Our synergy.

"Office Paper Recycling"
-This has a checklist of what can and cannot be recycled. Telephone books - Yes. Waxed or Greasy paper - No.


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