Monday, June 07, 2010

Moscow in review

I'm back in Atlanta, hanging out with Oliver and catching up on my missed TV shows, and reflecting on having spent the last 2 weeks in Moscow. The Metro is my biggest memory - commuting two hours each day with 10 million other Muscovites certainly made an impression and made me feel part of the city. We never had to wait more than 45 seconds (maybe a minute) for a train to arrive, and people were so orderly getting out of the stations, up these long escalators - the Moscow Metro is deep underground apparently! Also, the heels! Moscow women wear heels all the time, I've never seen so many stilettos - and traipsing all over the metro system Wow. The food was great - I can't remember the last time I ate so much lamb! We had uzbeki, georgian, and russian food - even some italian on the one night we couldn't do more meat! The breakfast place next door was so great - every day for 2 weeks I had great bread, coffee, and youghurt Yummo. I got to see Swan Lake at the Moscow Music Theatre, I got to eat pancakes/crepes whenever I wanted, I got to view the armory and see Catherine the Great's wedding dress, Ivan the Terrible's crown and throne, old armour and the most amazing carriages and jewel encrusted bible covers. I hung out in Red Square. I can read some Russian letters now.

It was a pretty good 2 weeks!