Monday, January 15, 2007

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em

So - the Redhead recently posted 2 pics of me eating with, shall we say, gusto.

and the follow-up

I feebly tried to fight back, but sort of failed.

Then, over the last couple of days, as I've been organizing my entire photo collection on my new Mac, and learning iPhoto, I have come across some troubling photos. Eating with "gusto" is not a new thing for me.

So, to complete what the Redhead started, here are 2 more pics for the collection...

This is from Thanksgiving 2003, at my friend Allie's house in Atlanta.

And this is from an all-you-can-eat Salmon Bake in Fairbanks Alaska, taken in June 2006 when I was visiting my brother and his girlfriend.

What can I say?

Actually, I can't talk right now, I'm in the middle of eating...


At 9:16 AM, Blogger The Redhead said...

ROTFL. If you're eating, and someone whips out a camera, you just, like, unhinge your jaw or something. It's hysterical. Well, you do love your food, that's for sure!

At 9:32 AM, Blogger jmn said...

Katie- It is so wonderful to see you! I miss you so much but it looks like you're having a blast. I've linked your blog to mine so I can catch-up more easily. Take care, Jennifer

At 11:59 PM, Blogger Huong said...

Hahaha. I do that too! I recently decided that I would start posting them on my fridge so everytime I go to the fridge, I would see myself eating.


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