Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!!

It's been a good Christmas day, I must admit.

It's about 10pm and this is what I've done today. Opened presents with my cousin (okay - technically he's my first cousin once removed, or my second cousin, but I can never remember, so I just call him my cousin) and his family, which includes 2 kids, aged 9 and 6. It's been a while since I opened presents with little ones (well, little ones that knew what presents were!). They are so fun to watch!

After a great feast, we all went our separate ways and slept for about 2 hours. When I woke up my cousin's family had gone back to their hotel (I'm staying with my great aunt and uncle in Toowoomba, which is in Southeast Queensland, about 2.5 hours from Brisbane). I went for a run, then helped my aunt (again, it's just easier to say aunt) do some gardening - move a large pile of dirt via a wheelbarrow to the garden bed. My aunt and uncle have 4 goats and a really cool cat - I'll put pictures up later. Their house has great gardens all around it and large hilly paddocks for the goats. After my run my cousin's family came back and we had prawns (an Aussie Christmas tradition I'm wholeheartedly behind, now that i know how to correctly get at the good stuff!) and more food. Then we all read for a while till it was time to say goodnight.

All in all a good day. My heart is with all those I'm not with today/tonight, especially those in my family that are also farflung around this globe of ours.

Much love everyone.


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