Sunday, March 11, 2007

6 months!

Well, today, March 11, marks my 6 month anniversary with Canberra.

I really can't believe it's been 6 months already. How crazy is that? On the one hand last September seems so far away, but on the other hand, I feel like I just left Atlanta last week.

I had a good weekend in Canberra - I think this place is starting to fit me. Or I'm starting to fit it. In any event, I certainly am starting to feel a little more dialed in to people... no-one to touch the friends in Atlanta or California, but the beginnings of some good friendships (she said optimistically).

This past weekend I went out for drinks with my housemate Jen on Friday, played soccer with my co-worker Jenny on Saturday morning, went for a walk around the lake with my friend Tom, watched a great fireworks show on Saturday night with my boss and his kids, and today I went to breakfast with Jen, and then met up with the group I went camping with a month or so ago for drinks this evening. Not too shabby. At least I had real conversations with people rather than spending a weeked without interacting with anyone! Even though no-one is like anyone at home, I'm hopeful that in someone I'll find a kindred spirit.

When I was home in CA, the idea of coming back here was really overwhelming. As exhausting as my trip home was, there's something intangibly satisfying about being near people that know you and love you. People that you ahve a shared history with. People who aren't always asking, whay are you here, what are you doing, what are your plans? I know that's all part of getting to knw people, but it can be really exhausting, and it was an immeasurable relief to be in familiar places, with familiar people. Even if there was way too much to catch up on in such a short amount of time!

I think the fact that I was sick and in bed for the last 5 days of my trip home definitely made it harder to come back. I physically felt like crap and that just seemed to make it easier to feel emotionally vulnerable. The last night at home I don't hink I slept too well - knowing what I was leaving behind, yet again.

But, now that I'm here, in the sun (!) and not sick anymore, it's easier to feel more optimistic about things. And I'm glad that I've signed on for 2 years. If I was only here for a year, i'd be thinking about going home soon. And I really still feel like I just got here. I've still got a year and a half to explore Oz, and maybe find more of myself along the way.


At 6:31 AM, Blogger Douglas Fullerton said...

Hi katie - 6 months, that is exciting!

I was just telling one of Maria's friends about you being in Canberra (she'd visited before and really like it) and about all the other places you've been too.

Maria liked your entry about swimming - she's not a fan of open water swimming, very different, very hard - even if it's an open water pool.



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