Saturday, February 03, 2007

Saturday in Canberra

Today was my first Saturday in Canberra in a while. Since I'd been camping the last 2 weekends, I woke up this monring not really knowing what I was going to do with my day, since I don't have a Saturday routine yet.

I started by talking to some folks on Skype - which I love by the way... it's such an amazing thing to be able to talk to people like they were in the next room. I mean, I know telephones achieve the same thing, but I'm in Australia. In a different hemisphere. And I can talk to the speaker on my computer and hear people as if they were around the corner. I love technology.

After chatting with folks from home I decided that brekky should be the first thing on a Saturday agenda. So I went to idelic, a breakfast palce in Kingston that I love. They have the best poached egg, tomato, avocado, bacon, and bread special. WIth ginger/orange juice, it's perfect. yum.

I decided then to go to the National Gallery of Australia, about a 20 minute walk from my house. They have an Egyptian exhibit visiting from the Louvre and it was pretty cool. As I walked through I read everything with a mind to remember things to tell you, but I can't remember any of them now. So that's too bad for you, isn't it. Luckil, the NGA website has a neat section about this exhibit, so if you are totally interested you can check it out.

After strolling around the gallery to see what else they have I headed home. And I've been here since then. Reading my book, taking a nap, contemplating grocery shopping (I've decided to do that tomorrow). Oh yeah - I did go for a run this afternoon. YAY! My knee definitely hurt, but I iced it right away and it doesn't feel any worse now than it did before the run. So I may be back in (slow and cautious) business again. It was really great to run again, even if it was a little painful. I definitely miss it.

Doesn't it sound exciting in Canberra? WooHoo.

I'm taking Monday off work so I can watch the Super Bowl. It's being televised live here on FoxSports. I just have to find a place to watch it. Preferably with other Americans so I don't have to explain the game to anyone. And I don't have to defend my desire to watch the game despite not really being a Colts or a Bears fan. Although, I've been told, I'm backing the Colts in this match-up, since the Bears CAN'T be SuperBowl champs.

Nice that I can take the day off work for a football (oops, I mean gridiron) game, huh? Gotta love flex time.


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