Thursday, February 01, 2007

What's in a name?

I'd like to thank my mom and my dad for giving me the name Katie. Well, I guess technically, my name is Kathleen, but I'm glad they chose the nickname Katie. (Can you imagine me as a Kathy?) Having lived as Katie for almost 32 years now (yikes!) I'd have to say that the name suits me to a T, and as far as I can tell, is the best name ever.

Okay - that may be a bit much (and not at all unbiased), but whatever. I like it.

And I like it when people know my name.

There's this coffee place next door to my office, called Mocca. They have really good coffees and really nice sandwiches. I go there at least a couple of times a week. Today when I went over for my skim chai latte fix (I don't mind saying that I'm completely addicted to these) the woman who works there thanked me by name. Usually she asks for a name to call out with the coffee, but this time she remembered me! And this was the first time all week I'd been in!

It may seem small, but it really made my day to be recognized by the coffee girl.

There's also a clothing store over here called Katie's. Even if it wasn't called Katie's, I'd still go because I really like the clothes. It's just a bonus to me that half of my clothing now has a tag that says Katie's in fancy script. It's like when I was a kid and mom would sew name decals into my jackets and hats and sweaters.


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