Thursday, February 22, 2007

There's no place like home!

This has been such a whirlwind trip and I've disovered the perfect formula for coming down with the flu...

Take 1 cross-hemisphere plane trip on a Saturday that happens twice, with a dash of waiting in the Sydney and Honolulu airports, combined with a subsequet trans-pacific flight that's been delayed 4 hours; Add intense family time with a public social event that results in fireworks; Mix vigorously with emotionally laden catching up with cousins, and friends, making sure that there is at least a minimum of 10 years of stuff, collectively, to catch up on with everyone; Throw in a dash of LA traffic; Knead slowly with a best friend's wedding and all the emotions contained within. Oh yeah, do this in a timeframe of 8 days. And, viola: the flu will cach you as soon as you can blink. It's really an easy recipie. Goes back ages in my family.

My drive back to the Bay Area on Monday from Santa Monica was crazy. I've never had to actually use the rest areas (not rest stops, as Maggie and I found out) on Highway 5. But, they are actually conveniently located every 2 hours, and I used them for a 2 hour nap every 2 hours during my trip home. Yikes.

But now I've been in my bed at home for the last 3 days, being taken care of my my mom and my sister. Really not too shabby a situation. At least I'm not a plane with my ears stuffed up, or at home in Canberra in the middle of the summer with the flu. Mom and I decided it was the flu given my fever, chills, and the increased severity compared to what would be a cold...although I think my fever has broken. Now I'm just sleping it off.

And - since I'm home, I get my mexican sick food - homemade tortilla soup (!!!!) and my favorite burritos from the Taqueria by the high shool. Can't get that in Canberra!

It's good to be home at a time like this.


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