Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Mind games - of my own design

So, here's a little story.

I spent this last Saturday with a really cool guy that I met a few weeks ago. We finally got around to hanging out on Saturday. All day long. We went to a great second-hand bookshop for a few hours and both emerged with 4 more books to add to our respectively ridiculous 'to-read' piles at home. Then we had a coffee, then we had dinner, then we went to a movie, then we had drinks. It was truly one of the best days I've had in Canberra, because it was so easy, and fun. :)

Now it's 4 days later and my head is making up mind games of its own. Cause that's a good thing to do. ARGH!!! He's moving back to Perth (on the other side of the country) this Sunday (he was here temporarily for work). And, I'm actually going to Perth in 2 weekends for a work trip for a few days, so that actually works out nicely.

But why does my head need to get involved? Cause it's so much fun to try to quell the inner dialouge wondering when I'll see him next, if he'll call, if I should call him, what's going to happen. It's such a nusiance to have to 'trick' myself into not thinking about him. Why can't I just go on with my life as it was, and just incorporate the knowledge that there's a really cute guy that I click with. Why does a fun thing like Saturday have to throw everything off track??!!

See, this is what happens when you let people in! You have to deal with all the mind stuff. At least I do.

So, I'm just going to go back to work and continue with my life as normal. Tedious moment by tedious moment.


At 12:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know it's totally the escapist attitude but try to get involved with activities where you aren't thinking about yourself like read, go to a movie, knit, sculpt, make pottery, paint, what ever it takes.


At 3:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My 2 cents: Do what you want to. If you want to call him, call him. Don't play the silly 'wait 2 days', 'he should be the one to call', etc. games. Life is too short.

What have you got to lose? Either he's digging you too and wants to hang out again or he's not and you shouldn't waste your time with him anyways.

Turns out, if I hadn't pursued Phil, we probably would never have gotten together. He was on a hiatus from being the 'pursuer'.

Do whatever you're most comfortable with and won't regret next week. :)

Either way, you're awesome! Go Katie!

At 5:09 PM, Blogger Katie said...

I did a little of both! Then I ended up calling him, we got together last night, and everything's all good now. And we've got plans to get together next weekend in Perth, so that's good!

Love my virtual coffees with the girls!


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