Saturday, July 21, 2007

Harry Potter Day!

I have the book!!!! And a Beanie owl, since we'd prepaid and picked it up today!! Named KnOWLedge. I've re-named mine Hedwig.

I waited for an hour in the Borders this morning with my friend D, who I play soccer with. All the staff were wearing various pieces of witchery (scarves, hats), there was a magician walking around, and 2 girls walkig aroud with a goodie trolley. We even got to walk by the boxes of books with a security guard standing by. I wanted to take a photo of that, but was afraid of having my camera impounded. The boxes said "EMBARGOED. Do Not Open Until 21 July 9:00am Australian Eastern Standard Time." So cool!!!

As we snaked our way through the Borders, we tried valiantly not to pick up anything else to buy, but to no avail. We both walked out with extra. BUT - the most important part, I have the book now! And in 10 minutes I plan to be curled up in bed with it. But I wanted to share my excitement.

D and I went to a new chocolate cafe to celebrate getting the books. Koko Black ( opened in Canberra about a month ago and it's very cool! We ordered a hot chocolate each and shared the Belgian Spoil plate, chocolate ice cream, chocolate mousse, 2 Belgian chocolates, shortbread, and chocolate cake.

While we waited for our goodies we each read the first chapter! 10 minutes after the chocolate arrived we were both sure we were going to go into a diabetic shock, but it'd have been so worth it!

I also bought a new red carpet/rug for my bedroom, to take the edge off the concrete coldness emanating through the existing carpet, which is maybe the thickness of a piece of paper.

OK - off to Harry-land!!!!


At 3:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The chocolate looks delish! What a perfect way to start a new Harry book.

I reread Book 6 over the weekend. I had complete amnesia when it came to that book and wanted to get back into the swing of things before reading 7. I'm almost half-way through 7. I don't want it to end!

At 8:07 AM, Blogger Maggie said...

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