Wednesday, January 31, 2007

the cleanest kitchen in Canberra

I now think I have the cleanest kitchen and pantry in Canberra. I've mopped the floor upwards of 5 times, scrubbed the counters and searched the pantry space for left over open packages of anything.

There are still the little ants, but no more big ants... knock on wood. (Or, as they say here, "touch wood").

I've gotten so many helpful hints on dealing with them, and I know I'm not alone in my frustrations with the little creatures. And for the record - I think ants are fine little creatures, and a necessary part of the circle of life. Just not in my house, thank you very much.

My co-worker Geoff, an entomologist by training, brought in 3 dead ants in a test tube and plonked them on my keyboard after lunch. I jumped about a foot in the air. I don't care if they are dead, I don't want them near me when I'm indoors. And I really don't care if they don't bite or sting. I. AM. NOT. A. FAN. OF. ANTS. INDOORS. Full stop.

Kathryn made me fall out of my chair laughing this morning with her email:

Subject: Because I hope this makes you laugh
Body: – Because I’m totally funny - Wikipedia
(Play the Ant Game!)

Freaking hilarious, particularly the third link down. Thanks for the laugh, Kathryn.

And, according to Wiki - there are indigenous ants are on every landmass except Antarctica, Greenland, and Hawaii.


At 5:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear Mission No-Mo' Ants in My Pants is succeeding.

I chuckled at your 'touch wood' comment. Sounds like we're living in mirror universes. Except for the no Target in Canada thing. Bugger.

I've gone over to the dark side with regards to spelling. Lots of colour, theatre, centres and diarrhoea. Thank goodness for spell check!

I have been mocked for some of my pronunciations. But I will never say decal or depot like one of them. (If you haven't heard decal, I suggest you check it out. I had no idea what my colleague was talking about.)

I have also enjoyed the pavlova. A favourite birthday treat at my workplace.

Unfortunately, we don't have the nifty rhyming slang or exotic wildlife.


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