Monday, October 01, 2007

All footy, all the time!

So, this weekend has been great. In addition to a public holiday today (woohoo!! - Australian Labor (maybe Labour?) Day) there were multiple grand finals to watch.

After playng my own soccer game Saturday morning - no me gusta elbows and attitude from the tall man - we all wached the AFL (Aussie Rules Football) grand final. It was a complete slaughter - with a 119 or so point differential - about 20 goals different. There really should be a mercy rule of some type. That was followed by lots of singstar - the new singstar came out, Rock Ballads. My favorite (and Im not ashamed to admit this) is Meatloaf - I would do anything for love. CLASSIC. I also sang every song about the south I could (we had multiple discs at our disposal) - Walking in Memphis, Sweet Home Alabama... it's all good stuff!

Sunday night was the grand final for the NRL - Rugby Leauge. I even sort of understood the game this time. Leauge is a much quicker game than NFL, where the refs control everything and there are different soecial teams - in Leauge all the players do all the positions and switch from offense to defense and the refs are just sort of there to prevent complete chaos. And the hits are ridiculously harder in League - well, at least there aren't any pads to dull the impact!

The NRL final was followed by y the FIFA women's World Cup Final - Germany and Brazil. Good stuff! I love watching soccer at that level, although Brazil appears to have chosen the wrong game plan - "pass to Marta" only worked a little...

Then this morning, I got to watch NFL!!!! One of the guys on my soccer team gets ESPN and is a 'gridiron' fan and we watched the Eagles and Giants - Sunday Night Football at 10 in the morning! I'm just stoked I have someone to watch the Superbowl with this year!! But, yeah, NFL is so differently paced from aussie footy. I sort of like the speed of AFL and NRL, but NFL is so familiar to me. But, NFL is SO catered to the consumer society (all the ads!!!!).

Now I'm home and reveling (feeling content with...) in the amount of sport (and beer and party food - I had my first pie floater this weekend!) I've had this weekend. Good times! (And I'm pretty stoked to have found a new favorite thing to do - Singstar rocks!!!)


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